Lots of crazy weather going on these days. Snakes washing up on the California shore; hurricanes in January in the extreme North Atlantic. Apparently, it is because of El Nino. (Sorry, I can't find that little tilda over the "n" on my keyboard). Whatever is going on - it is December 31st in Tallahassee and 85 degrees. I'm down with that. Definitely some crazy stuff going on around the globe though.
Yes, it is New Year's Eve - the end of 2015. I am in Panacea because our new Panacea shack neighbors (they own nice houses on stilts, btw) invited us to a New Year's Party tonight. We appreciate the invitation as we didn't have any plans.
Nick was nice enough to come up from Clearwater to visit and hang with us for New Years. He, of course, brought his boys: Lucas, Dylan, and Casey. Like I said, it is about 85 degrees outside - On December 31! When I woke up, I checked the weather - 80% chance of rain with thunderstorms. Damn, I really wanted to take the boat the boys out on the boat - even if it was only for a short ride.
Because of the impending inclement weather, I take them to the Gulf Specimen Marine Lab - which is in Panacea, and as it turns out, right down the street from the shack; so we walk there. You probably have never been, but it really is a neat place and a wonderful place to take children because they get to touch many of the marine animals that live there. We stay for an hour or so - take a couple of pictures:
The sun comes out. Okay, that does it, I'm taking the boat out. The heck with the "impending" weather.
The marina puts the boat in the water. Here we go:
We get about a mile offshore and the fog becomes ridiculous / redonkulous. Last year, there would have been absolutely no way that I would have navigated through this. I mean really, I can't see more than 30 feet past the bow. But I learned this / last year to trust my electronics, and besides, my intention is only to head to Rotary Reef about 8 miles offshore. I now consider eight miles "inshore" fishing. :-). If I get lost in the fog, I just have to head North on my return.
About 20 minutes later, we arrive at the reef. And God decides to work with us as the fog pushes back to about a half-mile visibility. I must admit, I haven't ever caught much at this reef because it is only about 25 feet deep - and well-fished by everyone. Some small rock bass, and other small fish are usually the standard. But there are absolutely no other boats out here. How do I know? Cause I am using my radar! Works great in the fog.
Anyway, we put a couple of Stretch 30's out and start trolling. They're called Stretch 30's because they dive to about 30 feet. About a minute later (no really, it was only about a minute), one of the rigs goes: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Have I mentioned that I love that sound? But it doesn't last very long. Hmmm. Nick starts to reel it in and I begin to reel in the other. On the first rig nothing but seaweed. But just as I get my lure close to the boat - WHAM! I actually SEE something big hit it. The fish heads downward, so I hand the rig to Casey. He reels. This is no rock bass. A few minutes later, here she is. The picture doesn't do it justice, but trust me this is a HUGE gag grouper. I'm guessing about 16-17 pounds. Holy crap:

I put in a VHF call to the marina: Gag Grouper, of course, aren't open, so we have to throw him/her back. It sure was fun though.
We put the lines back out.
2-3 minutes later (no really, it is): zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Definitely not seaweed this time. The rig goes to Lucas. A few minutes later:

Well heck, let's do that AGAIN!
3-4 minutes later: (no really, it is)

I'm pretty sure that the gag grouper KNOW that they can't be kept in State waters. They, obviously, are very hungry. As soon as the season opens (April 1, btw), like deer, they will change locations.
But hey, that was fun. Three big grouper in less than 10 minutes. Nothing to this fishing stuff, right?!!!
There is still some pretty bad weather lingering just to our North, so Nick and I decide to be safe and head back in. No problems getting back - thank you GPS! We couldn't see anything for the entire return trip.
Later in the afternoon, Terri, Cameron and Delaney join us to celebrate New Year's.
We left the boat in the water and drank a few beers as the day turned to night. I'm not sure how Cameron didn't get in this particular picture. Perhaps we tend to forget about him now that he is in college. Sorry Cam, we still love you dude. Keep studying!

So on the very last day of 2015, I got to fish with one of my best friends and his boys; catch grouper; spend time with my family; party on my boat; watch great fireworks over the water and enjoy quality time with new neighbors and friends. I feel blessed. Goodbye 2015 - it was fun!

Hello 2016. Let's get this cold weather behind us. I'm ready to fish. You coming with me?
Happy New Year everyone.

Captain Marc Paul
Nice Blog and a wonderful time! Thank You again Terri, Marc, Delaney, and Cameron for your hospitality! By the way, I think Cameron went back to the shack to get something for us. Good Times!